Grant ID RP230224
Awarded On February 15, 2023
Title Enhancing Immune Responses in Pancreatic Cancer by Stromal Inhibition of HIF2
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Michael Spiotto
Cancer Sites Pancreas
Contracted Amount $1,049,997
Lay Summary

Pancreatic cancer is an almost universally deadly disease that has few effective treatments. Immunotherapy has been hailed as a modern cancer breakthrough since it can use a patient's own immune system to kill cancers anywhere in the body. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer does not appear to have any measurable response to any known immunotherapy. One way that pancreatic cancer evades the immune system is through the biology of low oxygen, or hypoxia. As pancreatic cancer grows, it develops thick scar tissue that cuts off the blood supply to the tumor, making it hypoxic. Specialized cells called cancer-associated fibroblasts grow in this hypoxic scar and produce substances that allow the c...

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