Grant ID 10-58
Awarded On September 01, 2009
Title Female Cancer Screening Education for Nurses in Rural or Medically Underserved Areas of Texas
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Legacy Grant
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Faye Gregory
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $82,144
Lay Summary

This project provides an educational outreach program for female cancer screening for nurses working in rural, minority, or low-income areas. This 2-day training (a combination of classroom and clinical instruction) enables nurses to incorporate female cancer prevention education and breast screening into their clinical practice. As front-line health-care providers, registered nurses are ideally positioned to provide these services and are capable of performing clinical breast examinations when properly trained.

Over the past years the project has identified unmet learning needs in other cancer screening areas such as that for colorectal, lung, skin, endometrial, and ovarian cancers; there...

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