Grant ID DP160014
Awarded On May 18, 2016
Title Salarius Pharmaceuticals - Developing epigenetic drugs that treat Rare Pediatric Cancers
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism New Company Product Development Award
Institution/Organization Salarius Pharmaceuticals LLC
Principal Investigator/Program Director David Arthur
Cancer Sites Breast, Leukemia, Prostate, Sarcoma
Contracted Amount $16,104,899
Lay Summary

Salarius specializes in developing novel drugs for rare pediatric cancers and other cancers by focusing on treatments that interrupt the final steps of the signaling cascade. Our first drug, SP-2577, targets the Lysine Specific Histone Demethylase 1 pathway (LSD1), a cellular control protein that’s overactive in a range of cancers. Salarius has developed a first-in-class highly specific LSD1 inhibitor that we will test in Ewing’s Sarcoma and other undifferentiated sarcomas, in addition to late stage prostate cancer.

We plan to file an IND in early 2016 and initiate phase 1 clinical studies in Ewing’s and prostate cancer in June 2016. Ewing’s is a rare devastating pediatric, adolescent...

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