Grant ID DP230079
Awarded On May 17, 2023
Title Building Differentiated Cell Therapy Manufacturing Technologies to Attract Value- Added Biotech Partnerships
Program Product Development Research
Award Mechanism Texas New Technologies Company Awards for Product Development Research
Institution/Organization Resilience Texas LLC dba CTMC
Principal Investigator/Program Director Jason Bock
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $9,100,000
Lay Summary

Cellular therapies have shifted the goalpost from treating cancer to curing it. Cellular therapies, in various cancer indications, provide options in the refractory setting where there is high unmet medical need. Though there has been progress on allogenic or "off-the-shelf" cellular therapies, most early phase therapies are autologous processes, with a dedicated manufacturing run for each patient. These personalized immunotherapies start with the collection of the patient's own cells or tumor samples, which is modified or re-engineered depending on the therapeutic modality and indication, then stimulated for growth to expand the cell number, and infused back into the patient. Cell therap...

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