Grant ID PP100047
Awarded On March 10, 2010
Title An Intervention Promoting HPV Vaccination in Safety-net Clinics
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Jasmin A Tiro
Cancer Sites Cervix Uteri
Contracted Amount $299,999
Lay Summary

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will only have an impact on cervical cancer disparities in Texas if the populations who suffer disproportionately from mortality (minority, low-income, and medically underserved) use this primary prevention strategy. Safety-net clinics are an important medical home for underserved adolescents and have tremendous potential for delivering the vaccine to those who need it most.

Our medical record review in Parkland community clinics (Dallas County safety-net system) showed suboptimal rates of vaccine initiation (1 dose) and completion (3 doses). Parkland responded by implementing electronic standing immunization orders to increase provider recommendation a...

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