Grant ID PP100137
Awarded On June 18, 2010
Title West Texas Cancer Survivors Network (WTCSN)
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Promotion, Public Education, and Outreach Programs
Institution/Organization Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Katherine Chauncey
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $300,000
Lay Summary

The West Texas Cancer Survivors Network (WTCSN) addresses the lack of cancer survivor support services and the overall lack of nutrition and quality of life advice available in the rural underserved populations of Public Health Region (PHR) 1. Building on the successful 11-year history of the Cancer Nutrition Network for Texans (CNNT), the WTCSN will focus new and future efforts more specifically on cancer survivorship in general, with continued emphasis on providing nutritional and quality of life information, but in the context of a more comprehensive cancer survivors program.

There are few cancer survivors’ support services available for rural residents in PHR 1 other than groups in Lub...

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