Grant ID PP100147
Awarded On June 18, 2010
Title Physician Oncology Education Program
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Care Professional Education and Training
Institution/Organization Texas Medical Association
Principal Investigator/Program Director Stephanie Gonzalez
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $500,000
Lay Summary

The purpose of the Physician Oncology Education Program (POEP) is to provide Texas physicians and medical students the knowledge and the skills necessary to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality through collaboration among the public, private, and volunteer sectors in the state. As the prime contractor, the Texas Medical Association (TMA) will provide staff, administrative support, and access to resources. A statewide steering committee of physicians and other key experts in medical education and cancer control centers will provide guidance for the program.

For this project, POEP will promote its Speakers’ Bureau directly to rural locations by aggressively marketing the program to the co...

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