Grant ID PP110040
Awarded On January 27, 2011
Title South Texas Rural Health Services, Inc. Cancer Awareness and Transportation (CAT) Project
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Cancer Prevention Microgrants
Institution/Organization South Texas Rural Health Services, Inc.
Principal Investigator/Program Director Alfredo Zamora
Cancer Sites Breast, Cervix Uteri
Contracted Amount $149,971
Lay Summary

South Texas Rural Health Services (STRHS) is proposing to develop a Cancer Awareness & Transportation (CAT) project. The CAT project seeks to further the goals of the Texas Department of State Health Services’ Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) Program and the Texas Cervical Cancer Strategic Plan by reducing barriers for women who are eligible for, but not participating in, no-cost breast and cervical cancer screening and prevention services.

The key barriers we will address include: limited transportation options, lack of awareness of available services and how to access those services, insufficient patient management and follow-up care, and linguistic and cultural challenges for re...

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