Grant ID PP110057
Awarded On January 27, 2011
Title A peer education and outreach program to prevent cervical cancer among Latina mothers and daughters living in Texas-Mexico border communities
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Behavior Change Through Public and Professional Education and Training
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Principal Investigator/Program Director Deborah Parra-Medina
Cancer Sites Cervix Uteri
Contracted Amount $295,859
Lay Summary

Women in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) experience more cases of and deaths from cervical cancer compared to the nation. Cervical cancer is preventable using the HPV vaccine and can be detected early and treated using Pap test screening. The proposed program will focus on Latino mothers and daughters from this area and provide health education on cervical cancer risk factors, screening guidelines, and other prevention strategies. The long term goal of this program is to reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality in the LRGV by increasing HPV immunizations and knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors, screening guidelines, and the HPV vaccine.

Strategies of the program to promo...

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