Grant ID PP110181
Awarded On July 27, 2011
Title Healthcare systems change for tobacco cessation
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Health Behavior Change Through Public and Professional Education and Training
Institution/Organization The University of Texas at Austin
Principal Investigator/Program Director Alexandra Loukas
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $266,920
Lay Summary

Approximately 27,000 Texans a year are diagnosed with tobacco related cancers. The number one cause of cancer deaths among Texas men and women is lung cancer--nearly 90% of these deaths in men are attributed to smoking. Effective interventions are needed to motivate existing and former tobacco users to quit.

Primary health care settings are ideal intervention sites and research shows that the advice of a health care professional can more than double cessation success rates. However, only 13% of physicians say they usually refer smokers to appropriate treatments and only 17% say they usually arrange for follow-up visits to address tobacco. A system-wide change is needed that will make it easi...

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