Grant ID PP120086
Awarded On January 18, 2012
Title Increasing Breast,Cervical,and Colon Cancer Screening and increasing HPV vaccination among Underserved Texans: A collaboration with the United Way's 211 Program
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Maria E Fernandez
Cancer Sites Breast, Cervix Uteri, Colon
Contracted Amount $2,699,988
Lay Summary

Cancer prevention and screening interventions for underserved Texans must recognize and address the fundamental challenges that these groups face such as competing priorities, access barriers, and unmet basic needs. We propose a cancer prevention and control program that will deliver and evaluate an intervention that will address these barriers and increase use of cancer prevention and control services.

This will be accomplished through an innovative partnership with the United Way 2-1-1, a telephone information and referral system that reaches millions of low income Texans each year and connects them to available resources that meet their needs. The proposed renewal prevention program will ...

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