Grant ID PP130032
Awarded On November 22, 2013
Title Taking Texas Tobacco Free: Expanding the Integral Care Campus and Community Model into a Statewide Cancer Prevention Program
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization Rice University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Cho Lam
Cancer Sites Anus, Anal Canal and Anorectum, Bladder, Cervix Uteri, Esophagus, Kidney and Renal Pelvis, Larynx, Leukemia, Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct, Lung and Bronchus, Pancreas, Stomach
Contracted Amount $1,190,719.66
Award Transfer Information

Previous Organization: The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Expended at Previous Organization: $308,561.34

Lay Summary

Tobacco use is causally associated with 17 types of cancer, and is linked to 90% of lung cancer deaths. Increasing tobacco cessation is critically important to the advancement of cancer prevention in Texas, especially among subgroups of the population with higher than average tobacco use rates, including persons with mental illness and their care providers at community mental health clinics.

Evidence-based prevention services known to reduce tobacco use within mental health settings include tobacco-free campus policies; regular screening for tobacco use among mentally ill consumers; and the provision of brief cessation counseling and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to tobacco-using consu...

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