Grant ID PP140171
Awarded On August 20, 2014
Title Navigating Rural Highways II: Expanding Access to Breast Cancer Screening and the Care Continuum for Underserved Texas Women (NRH II)
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Competitive Continuation/Expansion - Evidence-Based Cancer Prevention Services
Institution/Organization The Rose
Principal Investigator/Program Director Bernice Joseph
Cancer Sites Breast
Contracted Amount $539,144
Lay Summary

Need: Rural Texas counties have a greater cancer burden than their urban counterparts due to access-to-care barriers (financial and/or transportation) and lack of infrastructure to carry out prevention programs. As a result, Texas rural women are more likely to have breast cancers diagnosed at later, more invasive stages, thus reflecting higher breast cancer mortality rates. Many of these rural counties are identified as Medically Underserved Service Areas by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the incidence of breast cancer mortality rates are typically higher in these counties (12.6 – 15.2 age-adjusted rate per 100,000) than the Texas’ Standard Population Rate of 12.1 per ...

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