Grant ID PP140183
Awarded On August 20, 2014
Title Multi-component Interventions to Increase HPV Vaccination in a Network of Pediatric Clinics
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Evidence-Based Prevention Programs and Services
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Sally Vernon
Cancer Sites Cervix Uteri, Head and Neck, Vagina, Vulva
Contracted Amount $1,495,388
Lay Summary

High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types cause about 70% of cervical, 90% of anal, 60% of oral, and 40% of vaginal, vulvar, and penile cancers. Low risk HPV types cause 90% of genital warts. HPV-related morbidity and mortality can be reduced through vaccination. Despite evidence of safety and efficacy, and endorsement by professional organizations, HPV vaccination rates are well below the 2020 Healthy People target of 80%. HPV initiation rates in our target population are lower than those in Houston: 38% vs. 56% for girls and 25% vs 38% for boys aged 11-17 years.

Data from the 2008-2010 NIS-Teen survey found that provider and healthcare system factors were important determinants in parent...

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