Grant ID PP160032
Awarded On November 19, 2015
Title Family Health History-based Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Navigation to Clinical Services among Uninsured Chinese Americans in Texas
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Cancer Prevention Promotion and Navigation to Clinical Services
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lei-Shih Chen
Cancer Sites Colorectal
Contracted Amount $399,993
Lay Summary

Asian Americans, the fastest-growing U.S. racial/ethnic group, have a significantly higher uninsured rate than Whites. Cancer is the leading cause of death among the largest Asian American subgroup – Chinese Americans (more than 70% are immigrants and about 40% have limited English proficiency). Among all types of cancers, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer death and the second most commonly diagnosed cancer for Chinese Americans. Yet, Chinese Americans have the lowest CRC screening rate among all Asian subgroups and other races/ethnicities. Westernized lifestyles also increase Chinese Americans’ CRC risk. A recent trend in the cancer prevention field – famil...

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