Grant ID PP190023
Awarded On February 21, 2019
Title School-based Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Program in the Rio Grande Valley: Continuation and Expansion to Hidalgo County
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Expansion of Cancer Prevention Services to Rural and Medically Underserved Populations
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Principal Investigator/Program Director Ana Rodriguez
Cancer Sites Cervix Uteri, Head and Neck, HPV-related, Penis, Vagina, Vulva
Contracted Amount $1,969,731
Lay Summary

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine reduces morbidity and mortality of HPV-associated diseases (cervical, oropharyngeal, vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal cancer, anogenital warts). Because vaccinations are an effective primary prevention strategy against HPV [10], the overall annual direct medical cost of routine screening and treatment of HPV-associated disease ($8 billion) could be reduced if HPV vaccination rates increase.

In medically underserved areas like the Rio Grande Valley (RGV), vaccinations in non-traditional health settings (school-located mass vaccination programs, school health centers, pharmacies) can improve HPV vaccine uptake. Barriers to HPV vaccina...

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