Grant ID PP200071
Awarded On August 19, 2020
Title Promoting Access to Maternal Smoking Cessation and Smoke-free Home Services Among Low-income Rural Pregnant Women and Their Household Smokers
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Tobacco Control and Lung Cancer Screening
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lei-Shih Chen
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $1,000,000
Lay Summary

Need: Smoking during pregnancy increases the risks of complications during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes. Disparities in maternal smoking exist among underserved and marginalized pregnant women. Low-income pregnant women in rural residency have disproportionally higher smoking rates before, during, and after pregnancy. The Brazos Valley (BV) Region in East-Central Texas consists of seven rural counties. The pregnancy smoking rates in the BV Region is approximately two to three times higher than the state as a whole. Nevertheless, only flyers and referrals to the state quit-line are currently offered, which have yielded a low prenatal cessation rate in the BV Region. To address such di...

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