Grant ID PP220005
Awarded On February 16, 2022
Title Alliance for Colorectal Cancer Testing 3.0 (ACT 3.0)
Program Prevention
Award Mechanism Expansion of Cancer Prevention Services to Rural and Medically Underserved Populations
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Lewis Foxhall
Cancer Sites Colorectal
Contracted Amount $2,500,000
Lay Summary

Need: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the US and Texas. In 2021, there will be an estimated 11,280 new cases of CRC and approximately 4,030 deaths in Texas. Up to 90% of deaths from CRC may be avoidable with CRC screening. Evidence is strong that CRC screening reduces CRC mortality by permitting identification and removal of precancerous polyps and by revealing CRC at early stage when it is most curable.1 When detected early, CRC has a 5-year survival rate of up to 90%,2 however, only 39% of cases in Texas are diagnosed at this stage. The proportion diagnosed at an advanced stage is 20% in Texas, largely due to the underuse of evidence-based screening ...

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