Grant ID RP100768
Awarded On January 20, 2010
Title Mechanisms underlying delayed recurrence of ER positive breast cancer: a critical step in the development of effective biomarkers and therapies
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Gordon B Mills
Cancer Sites Breast
Contracted Amount $978,679
Lay Summary

Delayed recurrence remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in a subset of breast cancers. Indeed, ER positive (ER+) breast cancer has an unfortunate propensity to recur even after decades in contrast to other types of breast cancer that usually relapse within five years of diagnosis. The late relapse is most likely due to the phenomenon of ‘tumor dormancy’ which refers to a prolonged latent phase that occurs between treatment and evidence of disease progression. In the case of late recurrence, cells that escape the initial therapy survive in a dormant state and ‘hide’ for years or decades ultimately giving rise to incurable metastases. Although clinical evidence for tumor dormancy i...

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