Grant ID RP110132
Awarded On October 29, 2010
Title Posttranscriptional regulation of noncoding RNAs involved in epigenetic regulation of gene expression
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Nicholas K Conrad
Cancer Sites Basic Science, Breast, Multiple Sites
Contracted Amount $300,000
Lay Summary

The defining characteristic of cancer is the growth of cells at times and in places where cell growth does not occur in a healthy individual. Cancer can be caused by turning on" (activating) genes that promote cell division or by "turning off" (inactivating) genes that inhibit cell division. Considerable attention has been given to a process called epigenetics that maintains gene activation or inactivation. In this process, genes are activated or inactivated in a particular cell and, when that cell divides, the genes in the new cells inherit the state of being "on" or "off". As a result, when tumor cells divide, epigenetic factors ensure that the resulting new cells maintain activated growt..."

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