Grant ID RP120298
Awarded On November 02, 2011
Title Chimeric T cells for therapy of Hodgkin Lymphomas and CD30+ Non Hodgkin Lymphomas
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization Baylor College of Medicine
Principal Investigator/Program Director Carlos Ramos
Cancer Sites Lymphoma
Contracted Amount $905,975
Lay Summary

While Hodgkin Lymphomas (HL) and Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) may have a good response to chemotherapy and radiation, this treatment has severe toxic/fatal effects and fails in a significant number of patients. We have been developing an alternative approach that does not rely on drugs/radiation, but instead boosts the patient's own immunity to the tumor. We have successfully used this approach in patients with HL and NLH in which a virus (Epstein Barr virus or EBV) is present in the tumor cells. We give these patients their own immune cells called T lymphocytes that we have trained in the laboratory to be effective against the cancer cells. By using this approach we have produced long-lasting...

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