Grant ID RP121002
Awarded On March 29, 2012
Title Examination of the Pharmacological Properties of a Novel Antifungal Named Occidiofungin
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Bridging the Gap: Early Translational Research Awards
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University
Principal Investigator/Program Director James Smith
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $777,884
Lay Summary

There is a need to identify new antifungals for the treatment of serious fungal infections. Given an increasing population of immunocompromised individuals, in particular those undergoing treatment for cancer, fungal infections lead to debilitative illnesses and these patients have a high mortality rate. A substantial amount of work has been done to characterize an antifungal we named occidiofungin. Current studies support investigational studies aimed at determining occidiofungin's therapeutic potential for the treatment of life threatening fungal infections. A detailed structural analyses, spectrum of activity, and animal toxicity studies have been performed on occidiofungin. From these st...

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