Grant ID RP130533
Awarded On December 05, 2012
Title Establishing proteomic-level super-resolution imaging analyses of cancer stem cell phenotypes and behaviors
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization Rice University
Principal Investigator/Program Director Michael R Diehl
Cancer Sites All Sites, Breast
Contracted Amount $200,000
Lay Summary

Many cancerous tumors are known to contain small collections of cells that are resistant to therapeutic interventions and uniquely capable of spawning new metastases. These cells are often called cancer initiating cells (CIC) or cancer stem cells (CSC) since they may generate tumors through processes similar to those responsible for normal stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. While these cells have become attractive targets for cancer therapies, many issues surrounding their pathological properties are poorly understood and controversial. These problems are largely derived from the challenges associated with examining the functional properties of these rare cells. Characterizing CSCs ...

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