Grant ID RP150596
Awarded On May 20, 2015
Title Bioinformatics Core Facility at UT Southwestern Medical Center
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Core Facility Support Awards
Institution/Organization The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Gaudenz Danuser
Cancer Sites All Sites
Contracted Amount $5,593,882
Lay Summary

The goal of this proposal is to reorganize the bioinformatics research and services at UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) to more effectively address the rapidly increasing challenges in information processing for our cancer patients. Cancer is a multi-faceted disease in which genetic and environmental factors elicit a complex and difficult to predict biological behavior of cells and tissues. Given the multi-faceted nature of the disease, clinicians and researchers alike try to probe every possible parameter of cancers with ever more sophisticated diagnostic tools. The tools reach from screens for cancer-driving genes to images of tumors and individual cancer cells to medical records that...

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