Grant ID RP160183
Awarded On November 19, 2015
Title Exploiting molecular and metabolic dependencies to optimize personalized therapeutic approaches for melanomas
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator
Institution/Organization The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Michael A Davies
Cancer Sites Skin
Contracted Amount $900,000
Lay Summary

Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer. Almost 50% of melanomas have an activating mutation in the BRAF gene that activates the MAPK pathway and causes melanoma growth and metastasis. New targeted therapies that inhibit the mutated form of BRAF and/or the MAPK pathway achieve significant tumor shrinkage in over 50% of metastatic melanoma patients with a BRAF mutation, leading to the FDA approval of three such agents for these patients since 2011. While these treatments are beneficial, many patients fail to respond, and almost all responding patients develop resistance in a short period of time. To date no treatment has been effective at overcoming resistance in patients after i...

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