Grant ID RP180381
Awarded On February 21, 2018
Title Mass Spectrometry Imaging to Uncover Predictive Metabolic Markers of Ovarian Cancer Surgical Outcome and Treatment Response
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator Research Awards for Clinical Translation
Institution/Organization Baylor College of Medicine
Principal Investigator/Program Director Livia Schiavinato Eberlin
Cancer Sites Ovary
Contracted Amount $240,190.27
Award Transfer Information

Previous Organization: The University of Texas at Austin

Expended at Previous Organization: $851,857.73

Lay Summary

Last year, 22,280 new cases of ovarian cancer were reported in the US along with 14,240 deaths. Women diagnosed with advanced stage ovarian cancer normally undergo a highly invasive surgery to remove most of the cancer found followed by chemotherapy. These complex surgeries have varied outcomes depending on the surgeon’s skills but also the biology of the tumor. Many studies have shown that only patients whose tumors can be completely removed upfront benefit from surgery, while others benefit from first receiving chemotherapy. However, using current clinical methods it is very hard to predict if a patient will respond well to surgery or not. Further, although new drugs are being tested for o...

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