Grant ID RP190401
Awarded On August 21, 2019
Title A Mouse Model for Studying DIPG Initiation and Progression in the Pons
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator Research Awards for Cancer in Children and Adolescents
Institution/Organization Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
Principal Investigator/Program Director Zhigang Xie
Cancer Sites Brain and Other Nervous System
Contracted Amount $721,306
Lay Summary

Brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in children. This project studies diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs), the deadliest form of pediatric brain cancer. A major obstacle in the field of DIPG research is the lack of animal models in which endogenous tumors are induced by representative DIPG genetic mutations in typical DIPG locations. This type of animal models is available for studying most other cancers, including adult brain cancer, and is among the most useful tools for understanding the mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression. However, existing animal models of DIPGs either do not induce endogenous tumors, or do not use representative DIPG genetic muta...

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