Grant ID RP210089
Awarded On August 18, 2021
Title Dissecting Therapeutic Immunomodulation of Gut Microbiome on Colorectal Cancer
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism High Impact/High Risk
Institution/Organization The University of Texas at Austin
Principal Investigator/Program Director Hyun Jung Kim
Cancer Sites Colorectal
Contracted Amount $250,000
Lay Summary

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer death globally. Recent researchers have found that human gut bacteria can either promote or suppress cancer in the gut. This finding led us to consider what if the gut bacteria can change the effectiveness of cancer management in clinics such as cancer immunotherapy. Although this idea has suggested a lot of attention and potential, unfortunately, there have been no reliable experimental models to build a patient-specific CRC model in the laboratory. For instance, animal CRC models have been used for a while, they cannot reflect individual patient’s genetic backgrounds, gut bacteria, and anti-cancer effect in real-time. Here, we s...

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