Grant ID RP240131
Awarded On February 21, 2024
Title Computational Methods for CRISPR-based Lineage Tracing Systems
Program Academic Research
Award Mechanism Individual Investigator Research Awards for Computational Biology
Institution/Organization Baylor College of Medicine
Principal Investigator/Program Director Zhandong Liu
Cancer Sites Breast
Contracted Amount $1,200,000*

*Pending contract negotiation

Lay Summary

The most common cause of cancer-related death is metastasis or the spread of cancer cells from the primary tumor to distant organs. As such, identifying the driving molecules in cancer metastasis is crucial for the development of effective therapeutics. Cell lineage tracing at single-cell resolution has been transformed thanks to recent breakthroughs in CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology. Taking advantage of this new technology, we tracked the breast cancer metastatic trajectory using our new lineage tracing technique. We discovered that the bone microenvironment is an essential secondary destination that promotes metastasis. However, this technology is still in its early stages, posing s...

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